This morning i woke up to some amazing shoe news. The 2012 JB fall releases were somewhat leaked to some shoe sites I look into these days before i get my crippled ass out of bed.
kinda had a hunch on a few of them but the one that put a smile on my face was Air Jordan IV "23rd Anniversary" releasing 07/2012. the part that left me in suspense was a picture of a Jordan IV outline but only black, so we will wait to see what they look like. The rest of the releases are as so.
Air Jordan VI "Olympic"
Air Jordan VII "Olympic"
Air Jordan IV "23rd Anniversary"
Air Jordan IV "Mars"
Air Jordan VII "Raptors"
and a pack
Air Jordan 6/7 ‘Gold Medal’ Pack

I was hoping for 2012 to not be a expensive year but it looks like its gonna be pretty fucking expensive. Hustle away!