New from Koenigsegg is the all new very rare very exclusive Koenigsegg Trevita. If your wondering how exclusive the new Koenigsegg Trevita is...? how about 1 of 3. That fact alone will make sure you will not see another one in youre town if you chose to cruise this bad boy. Now for appeal its hard to say that a Koenigsegg doesn't have swagger but to be honest with you im not the biggest fan of this version of the Koenigsegg. What makes this Koenigsegg different from other is the material. Its carbon fibre whose fibres have been coated with a diamond finish. It makes the car sparkle like millions of silvery white diamonds when the sun shines on it. Koenigsegg calls it the Koenigsegg Shimmering Diamond Weave. Personally I would take a regular CCXR that is powered by the same 1,018hp beast. Cant really say I'm into the Trevita but then again i have not seen it in person.
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