Ladies and gentleman get out you're check books because a very rare opportunity is about to happen. When they say "when opportunity is knocking you should open the door" well if my money was right I'd be opening this door right now. RMauctions has just announced that on October 28th they will be auctioning of 2 very rare super exclusive Mercedes Benz CLK GTR's. These super amazing road cars and i use that term very loosely are as pure bread race cars hiding in street clothing. Back in 97 and 98 Mercedes Benz homologated just 25 examples were built including five roadsters. I was fortunate enough to see a roadsters version back in 04 at Seattle Hot Import Nights. Rumor at the time was that it belonged to Kobe Brain and it was up for sale because he wanted to get his wife something special, keep in mind this is around the time Kobe was accused of rape of a while girl in Denver. The economic times being as difficult as they are it would be safe to assume that these 2 CLK GTR's will be sold at a bargain price.
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