Thursday, October 8, 2009

One hard day

All I'd like to say is fuck the federal government and the secret service for fucking up my and my families life for the next 5 years. If only those fuckers weren't bored and had actually real crime to fight Id still would have my loving brother with me today. But as of now I must say I have much hate towards them and i wish all those I encountered in court yesterday die a horrible death and i hope their children and all immediate family members die of cancer or get hit by some drunk driver or maybe they die of the swine flu that would make me feel much better. To those two secret service agents I hope your wife's cheat on you and get the harpies and in turn pass it to you so both your midget dicks fall off and rats that have been hiding in your house eat it up and shit it out for your children to eat and die from because they would have rat poisoning now. For the 2 prosecutors that were on the case I actually went to bed last night praying to GOD that one day the both of you are crossing the street while I'm driving because believe me I would find it very hard not to want to run the both of you FAGGOTS over then stop and drive back over both your ass hole's.
Have a nice fucking day.....................

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